
ProdigalFlashMaster's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 498 (From 60 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 5,885 Points

Seed of Destruction

Medals Earned: 1/14 (10/425 points)

Backfire 10 Points

Destroy an enemy by deflecting a projectile at it.

Infertility 5 Points

Get a game over.

Master of Time and Space 5 Points

Pause the game.

Drunken Air Show 10 Points

Play a custom game with only jets.

Mega Combo 10 Points

Get a 20+ combo.

Tankicular Homicide 10 Points

Squish a pedestrian by pushing tank over it.

Hanging in There 25 Points

Regenerate a total of 10 health bars over the game.

Looking for a Challenge 25 Points

Survive 10 minutes in Custom Mode with all units set at maximum intensity.

Toast Master 25 Points

Kill 10 enemies with the zeppelin's laser.

Ball Fondler 50 Points

Get a score of 10,000 in Grenade Juggler.

Cavalier of Sperm 50 Points

Beat story mode.

Evasivivity 50 Points

Survive 5 minutes on Missile Crisis.

Pedestrian Devestation 50 Points

Get a score of 100 in Pancake Factory.

Seed of Destruction 100 Points

Beat story mode on hard.


Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/280 points)

Rookie 5 Points

Finish the first area

Cremation 5 Points

Obliterate the first boss with all weapon slots equipped

AHK-372 10 Points

Defeat the second boss

Damura 10 Points

Defeat the first boss

Frequent Flyer 10 Points

Fly 3,000 miles

Junkyard 10 Points

Kill 4,000 enemies

Problem, Minecraft? 10 Points

Collect 2,000 gems (spending them is allowed)

Variety 10 Points

Use each weapon in the game at least once

Coeus 25 Points

Defeat the fourth boss

Ding Ding 25 Points

Reach level 20

Erebos 25 Points

Defeat the third boss

Hardcore 25 Points

Finish area 4 of AHK-372 with only a bullet rifle

Stealthy 25 Points

Finish area 3 of Coeus without triggering any sentry lights

Untouchable 25 Points

Finish area 4 of Erebos without taking any damage

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/14 (5/340 points)

First of Four 5 Points

Defeat Shellbreaker!

Stinky Toe 5 Points

Defeat Stompy!

Gravity Battle 10 Points

Defeat Space Box!

Victory 10 Points

Win the game!

Explorer 25 Points

Find 100% map!

Happy Ending 25 Points

Save Sun Snail!

Treasure Hunter 25 Points

Find 100% items!

Homeless 50 Points

Win Slug Mode!

Speedrunner 50 Points

Win in less than 30 minutes!

The Gauntlet 50 Points

Win Boss Rush!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/210 points)

Burp 5 Points

Complete the first chapter.

Airhead 10 Points

Complete the second chapter.

Architect 10 Points

Complete a level made in the map editor.

Rocket Sauce 10 Points

Complete the third chapter.

Gishy 25 Points

Complete the fourth chapter.

Conclusion 50 Points

Complete the final chapter.

Perfectionist 100 Points

Complete the bonus chapter.

Super Drift 3D

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/495 points)

Cherry Mountain Bronze 5 Points

Win the race on Cherry Mountain!

Cherry Mountain Silver 10 Points

Complete Cherry Mountain in under 1 minute 20 seconds!

Coastal City Bronze 10 Points

Win the race on Coastal City!

Coastal City Silver 10 Points

Race through Coastal City in under 2 minutes 20 seconds!

Neon Good Times Bronze 10 Points

Beat the race on Neon Good Times!

Neon Good Times Silver 50 Points

Blaze through Neon Good Times in under 1:55!

Cherry Mountain Gold 100 Points

Beat the insane time of 1:12 on Cherry Mountain!

Coastal City Gold 100 Points

Beat the ridiculous time of 2:10 on Coastal City!

Neon Good Times Gold 100 Points

Beat the extreme time of 1:50 on Neon Good Times!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

super sweatshop mastar

Medals Earned: 1/3 (25/175 points)

1000 km 25 Points

Go 1000 km for the mother land

5000 km 50 Points

Go 5000 km for great power

10000 km 100 Points

Go 10000 km to prove your loyalty

The Squirrel Game

Medals Earned: 2/9 (15/170 points)

A Harsh Winter Coming On 5 Points

End a level with a full supply of acorns

Fly Me To the Moon 10 Points

Complete Story Mode

Here Comes the Story of the Squirricane 10 Points

Smash three obstacles before touching the ground

Hundred Meter Dash 10 Points

Survive for at least 100 meters in Distance Mode

Brass Nuts 25 Points

Complete Story Mode on Hardcore difficulty

Crafty as a Fox 25 Points

Complete Story Mode without dying

The Golden Path 25 Points

Collect the golden acorn in each level of a Story Mode playthrough (retries accepted)

Quarter Kilometer 50 Points

Survive for at least 250 meters in Distance Mode

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Time Fcuk

Medals Earned: 3/9 (30/270 points)

Is something wrong? 10 Points

get to lvl 9

Opinionated 10 Points

vote on 3 maps

You are your only companion in life. 10 Points

get to level 22

You've learned nothing 5 Points

Get the bad ending

Everyone will leave you 10 Points

get to level 28

Obsessed 25 Points

Vote on 33 maps

Lost in forever 50 Points

beat an explore campaign

The Assent 50 Points

Get the good ending

O))) 100 Points

Vote on 333 maps

Toss the Turtle

Medals Earned: 20/20 (500/500 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Get skewered on spikes

Gold Star 5 Points

Launch the Turtle

Jump Man 5 Points

Smash a goomba

Novice 5 Points

Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)

Question Mark 5 Points

Find the hidden button

Amateur 10 Points

Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)

Drunk Driver 10 Points

Blow up a jeep

Harrasment 10 Points

Crush an angry ground creature

in Space 10 Points

Reach space

Strong Armed 10 Points

Get punched by a banana

Abducted 25 Points

Get caught by a UFO

Icarus 25 Points

Get burned by a sun

Persistent 25 Points

Play over an hour

Professional 25 Points

Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Addicted 50 Points

Play over 2 hours

Golden Shell 50 Points

Buy everything

Master 50 Points

Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)

Traveler 50 Points

Total over 1 million feet

WorldsEdge 100 Points

Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)


Medals Earned: 27/30 (440/500 points)

Armed Uprising 5 Points

Destroy 100 enemies.

Armored 5 Points

Upgrade your ship to have 10 HP.

Cybelian Rockminer 5 Points

Mine 30 ore.

Improved by Technology 5 Points

Upgrade your ship 10 times.

Public Enemy 5 Points

Achieve 50 points of reputation.

Renegade 5 Points

Complete 5 missions.

Explorer 10 Points

Enter the Nyx Conglomeration and the Terminus Cloud.

Hard to Kill 10 Points

Upgrade your ship to have 25 HP.

Lead by Example 10 Points

Achieve 100 points of reputation.

Mining Expert 10 Points

Mine 100 ore.

Rebel 10 Points

Complete 20 missions.

Sword of the Revolution 10 Points

Destroy 500 enemies.

Take Over the Hardware 10 Points

Upgrade your ship 20 times.

Grumpy Old Miner 25 Points

Mine 250 ore.

New Ships, Same Result 25 Points

Destroy the fleet threatening the Porus Mining Quadrate.

Revolutionary 25 Points

Complete 50 missions.

Scientific Method 25 Points

Upgrade your ship 30 times.

Shield of the People 25 Points

Upgrade your ship to have 50 HP.

Wrath of the People 25 Points

Destroy 1000 enemies.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

More Famous Than Jupiter 25 Points

Achieve 250 points of reputation.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!